Sasol Wax coal mine switches to Nu-Air DT Tires for their CAT skid steers.
McLaren Nu-Air Dirt Terrain Tires fitted to CATERPILLAR skid steer equipment used in the Sasol Wax cole mines in South Africa
CAT 246: Machine Fleet Number 3010 at 4202 hours
CAT 226B Machine Fleet Number 4001 at 23328 hours
CAT 226B Machine Fleet Number 2004
Inspection performed on 7 Nov 2013
Machine: CAT 246, at 4202 work hours
Tire condition at 119 work hours
Tread depth wear: 3.8 mm
Conclusion:The inspection shows an average of 4 mm wear on the tread depth. Should this trend continue on the wear rates above then a predicted 1100 hours can be expected only from the tread compound of this set of tyres.
Machine: CAT 226B, at 23328 work hours
Tire condition at 82 work hours
Tread depth wear: approx 3 mm
Conclusion: The inspection shows an average of 3 mm wear on the tread depth. Should this trend continue on these wear rates then a predicted 1700 hours can be expected only on the tread compound of this set of tyres in this application.
Machine: CAT 226B, ID 2004
Tire condition at 1680 work hours
Tread depth wear: approx.18 mm
Conclusion: At 1680 hours work on CAT 226B the McLaren tires have 20 mm tread which is approximately 50%.
At approximately 100 work hours on CAT 246 on concrete and solid abrasive surfaces the McLaren tires have produced 0 downtime and only 4 mm wear out. At 1680 hours work on CAT 226B the McLaren tires have approximately 50% remaining tread. Despite the harsh terrain and temperature conditions the McLaren's skid steer tires have exceeded customer's expectations. During the use of the Nu-Air tires there were no replacement or maintenance costs leading to 100% utilization of the equipment. An average saving of 40% per hour was achieved over the life of the McLaren tyres compared to the pnematic OEM equivalent.
These inspection results have been kindly provided by McLaren's representative in South Africa.