McLaren Appears on Norman Schwarzkopf's World Business Review Television Series on CNBC
Dec-01-2006 (Boca Raton, FL) --- Multi-Media Productions (USA), Inc. announced the appearance of McLaren Industries on World Business Review hosted by General Norman Schwarzkopf. When construction and delivery vehicles are down for any length of time because of tire trouble, this can result in costly time and productivity losses. In this segment of World Business Review, McLaren Industries discusses how tracks and tires help contractors and equipment owners maximize the ROI in their equipment and reduce downtime.
George Zafirov, Marketing Director, McLaren Industries explained, ”If you run a business in the competitive construction industry, equipment downtime can be detrimental to your business. If your machine is down because you have a flat tire, or a broken rubber track, or you sink in the mud due to lack of flotation, your business is losing money by the minute. With McLaren tires and tracks you can reduce downtime and operate more efficiently even in the harshest surface conditions.”
Coordinating producer Eb Stonestreet added, "When researching the latest developments in small equipment tracks and tires, McLaren Industries consistently came up as being in touch with the most current advancements in this area. They were a natural to appear on this edition of World Business Review.”
About McLaren Industries
McLaren Industries specializes in the design and manufacturing of continuous rubber tracks for a broad range of construction machines, carrier vehicles, and agricultural equipment. They also manufacture various products for skid steers, including the best-selling Protrac Series™ over-the-tire tracks and the revolutionalry Nu-Air™ Tyre Series, the latest application of the unique Semi-Pneumatic™ Tire Technology. Additional information on McLaren Industries is available at www.mclarenindustries.com.
About World Business Review
World Business Review airs as paid programming on CNBC and the Bravo! Network. World Business Review may also be viewed on United Airlines in-flight TV, or through video on demand via www.wbrtv.com. The WBR Series is also available at more than 90 prestigious college universities, including Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Notre Dame, Dartmouth College and Georgetown University. For specific market-by-market air dates and times, please e-mail [email protected]. For more information, please visit www.wbrtv.com.
NEWS UPDATE (Dec-12-2006): The video footage of the WBR TV show is now available online. To watch the McLaren segment on the World Business Review TV show, please click here. (6:23 min, 17.8MB, WMV Format; WBR TV Show aired on 12/5/06)